December 1, 2023

Three Photoshoot Styling Tips [What NOT To Wear]

FILED IN: couples

when it comes to styling, we are all in a rut. what looks good? is it in my closet? should I buy all new clothes? all the questions are running through your head and you can’t always ask your photographer because not all photographer’s are available to offer styling advice.

i’m not here to put outfits together for you, but I am here to tell you what NOT to wear to your next photoshoot.

you may think that following a certain trend you saw online is what you’re ready for next, but if you asked any photographer, not every styling trend is a good one, especially when these trends make their main subject (you) wash out, blends them out, or makes them stand out without intention.

I am going to make this blog short and sweet and share with you three tips of what NOT to wear to your next photoshoot!

below are a few examples of some of the sessions I shot as a little infant photographer and how I was totally unaware of my own mistakes but all in all, my beautiful clients look absolutely stunning!

tip #1:

LOGOS— logos are a nightmare in [most] of the photographer world. I do mean most, and those that don’t mind them are mostly likely intentionally shooting their subject for their fit.

Logos are a HUGE distraction.

Refer to the image above. This beautiful couple was part of my ‘front porch session’ project back in 2020 and being that it was during quarantine their outfits were most appropriate being their given situation but I am using this image as an example as a how a logo can distract your eye focus from the main subject. It is always a good rule of thumb to say ‘no’ to logos. In adults, children or even pet clothing.

tip #2:

PATTERNS— patterns are also tricky when it comes to photography. you might have seen the “plaid family” trend but that is not what photographer’s love or recommend for your family or couples photoshoot, even if you’re not matching plaid colors.

Patterns create clusters.

In the image above, you can see dad is wearing a plaid button up shirt, while baby is wearing a different pattern of polka dots— this could have been easily fixed if baby was wearing a plain onesie, even if it was the same color.

If you love patterns and want to add them to your photoshoot, limit them to one person and everyone else can avoid wearing any other type of pattern or floral.

tip #3:

MATCHING— matching seems to be the latest trend. I have a lot of my couples message me and they want to wear matching outfits because “they saw a picture on Pinterest” and I immediately put an end to this.

Matching is washing you out.

You don’t know where one ends and the other begins, this means that if you are both wearing black and you’re holding each other, you might not be able to tell that you have a slim waist, on the contrary, his arm around you might just make it seem as though all that work you’ve put in for your photoshoot was for nothing. This applies to any color or pattern. But on that same note, if you wear off colors that can also work!

Okay! Those are three simple tips to help you on what NOT to wear to your next photoshoot! Hopefully you hire an experienced photographer who can also lead you in the right direction and you can ask what works.


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